Which method is the right one?
Wepuko PAHNKE has been producing pumps for water-hydraulic applications for more than 80 years. In addition, we also have had pumps for oil hydraulics in our product range for more than 50 years. This sets Wepuko PAHNKE apart from most of our competitors.
The answer to the question which method is the better one often depends on which system the respective manufacturer offers. While the pure water hydraulics suppliers would rather emphasize the environmental friendliness of their medium, their competitors would instead emphasize the lower cost and the lower susceptibility to failure of oil hydraulics.
Our customers can rely on this: Our advice is always neutral and based solely on the respective application and on your success.

Reference customers
Alcoa | ArcelorMittal | Böhler Edelstahl | Bosch | Buderus Edelstahl | CSC | Danieli | Europipe | FOC Ciscato | GKN Aerospace | Hutmen | INDA | Kardemir | Klöckner Edelstahl | LY Steel | Pexco | Posco | Presswood | Saarstahl | Salzgitter Gruppe | Sandviken | Sanyo | SGGT | SMS Gruppe | Standard Steel | ThyssenKrupp | Vallourec & Mannesmann | Walzwerk Burg | Werzalit | and many more...
Water hydraulics
Water is environmentally friendly, available almost everywhere and inexpensive. It is a non-flammable hydraulic fluid. Due to its properties water is particularly suitable for certain applications. We know the demands of the industry first hand evidently we use our pumps as drives for the hydraulic forging presses of PAHNKE.
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